Here are some pictures from Saturday. Our ward had an Easter Egg Hunt and then that afternoon we were treated with a yummy fruit basket from Grandma and Grandpa.
Our friend Sam was very helpful and showed us how Easter Egg hunting was done.
We visited the Audobon Center at Deb's Park yesterday and enjoyed a nice hike on the Butterfly Loop. The yellow here is all wild mustard plants. I was amazed at the beauty, especially considering that this park is in the middle of a densely popluated area and less than 1/2 mile from a freeway. This could've been the setting of my favorite childhood show.
We used our backpack, but he has grown so much, we will need to look for a bigger one.
The plants were much taller than I thought they would be. Certain parts of the trail had mustard on both sides, growing 7-8 feet high. Then we saw these plants. Not sure what they are.
Way cool. There was also poison oak on the trail, but we steared clear. It was a wonderful outing. We needed the exercise and the natural surroundings.